Precious Pawz Pet Products is a small business located in Orleans Ontario Canada. We design and make cat toys which are sold at various cat shows and Pet Expos from Ontario to the Maritimes. See the Shows page for the locations and dates of shows that we will be attending.
The company was formed in late 2017 to continue the activities of Boutique du Chat when its creator Jean decided to retire after more than 30 years of designing and hand crafting cat toys.
As a professional cat photographer, Lynn had been using Jean's toys in her business for 13 years. Having done many types of crafts in her years of working with children and her love of cats, it was a natural step to take over from Jean.
With a household containing multiple cats of various ages, we test our designs before bringing them to market. The designs are also used in our cat photography sessions (Blue Sky Photography), thus giving additional feedback as to how engaging our creations are to cats.
Our motto is "Cat Tested, Cat Approved".
Precious Pawz Pet Products ©2017-2025.
All rights reserved.