Hemp-CBD Products for Pet and Human Health

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Hemp is a great natural way of healing because it contains compounds such as CBD. Hemp Oil has been shown to reduce anxiety, inflammation, and pain. These products are made from the hemp plant and contain no THC, meaning neither your pet nor you will experience a "high" from these treatments.

Hemp-CBD products for pets

Dosage information: the top of the bottle is a dropper with markings of .25ml, .5ml, .75ml and 1ml. The bottles have different concentrations of CBD per ml to match the weight of the animal. The recommendation is to start with a dose of .5ml twice per day for one week. If desired results are not reached at the end of the week, increase by .25ml per dose. Monitor for three days before doing another increase.

If the dosage requred for your pet is more than the "normal" for your pet's weight, you can switch to a bottle with a higher concentration and adjust the dose amount. If you are using 2ml or more per day for your pet, it is recommended to switch to the bottle for a larger breed size and adjust the dosage as appropriate. Each breed bottle has twice the concentration of the preceding bottle. For example, 2ml from the Small Breed bottle, 1ml from the Medium Breed bottle, .5ml from the Large Breed bottle, and .25ml from the Extra-Large Breed bottle all contain the same amount of CBD.

All the Hemp 4 Paws products are non-psychoactive and will cause no harm to your pet even if you need to give them more than the recommended dosage.

Hemp-CBD products for humans

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